Feb 11, 2013

A Quick Update

I spent most of my time in the office today reading a truly awful technical document - the thing's 364 pages long and is really, really boring. Luckily for me I was able to skip to the sections I really need to be able to do the work that's related to it. Tomorrow I should be able to put the damned thing to one side and get on with the real work. I hope.

Right now, though, it's 10pm and I've done a bit of work on one of my 'scripts, and now I'm taking a few minutes to write a few sentences here about how that's coming along.

I have two typescripts on the go right now. One is the "completed" one that is with a publisher. I'm sure that it'll need quite a lot of editing before it's in a suitable shape and ready to be published, and I have a pretty good idea of some of the things wrong with it that'll need to be fixed, so I'm planning to make a start and get a little ahead of the game. That way, when I do get the full list of changes that are needed I'll have at least made a dent.

The other 'script is of course the current work-in-progress, tentatively titled Smoke & Mirrors. It's a bit more than 40% complete (based on my estimated final word count), which technically means that I'm quite a bit behind my self-imposed schedule and highly unlikely to meet my self-imposed deadline for a first draft. Ah, well. What with one thing and another I haven't been able to spend as much time on it as I usually would, so things have slipped. I have in fact started to get some decent work in on it over the last couple of days, though, and I'm getting back into my routine. Here's hoping I can keep up the momentum.

I was in a bit of a quandary about which one I should be concentrating on. I simply can't neglect the editing work; it's far too important, and no doubt I'll be working to a deadline. But on the other hand I don't want Smoke & Mirrors lying fallow for an extended time either, for fear that I'll lose the thread with it.

So I've made a decision: at least until I have to focus on the editing exclusively, I'll be splitting my writing time 50-50 between the two. (And even when I switch to editing, I should still be able to find some time each day to work on Smoke for a bit, so I don't let it drift too far off the beam.)

It's getting late, and I do have to get up for work so I'd better get on. I want to spend just a few minutes on Smoke (I'm about three hundred words into the scene I'm currently writing) but then I really have to call it a day.

Until next time...

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